It might be hard to control robot by using python script "". I share simple manual.
- ROS Driver version: Melodic
- Affected Robot Software Version(s): 5.3.0
- Affected Robot Hardware Version(s): UR 3e
- Robot Serial Number: -
- UR+ product(s) installed: ExternalControl
- URCaps Software version(s): -
following Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/ur_robot_driver/doc/
we should change the topic name from "follow_joint_trajectory" to "scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory" of "~/catkin_ws/src/fmauch_universal_robot/ur_driver/"
most Importantly, after change your "" file. you should follow these steps.
- power on the robot.
- release brake of the robot.
- run "roslaunch ur_robot_driver [YOUR_ROBOT_MODEL]_bringup.launch robot_ip:=[YOUR_ROBOT_IP]"
- start URcap program "ExternalControl".
- run "rosrun ur_driver "
then your robot is gonna move follow the joint value you've set in "".
Q1 = [1.7,-1.6,-0.87996,-2.12741,1.47178,-4.60472]Q2 = [1.6,-1.7,-0.87996,-2.12741,1.47178,-4.60472]Q3 = [1.5,-1.8,-0.87996,-2.12741,1.47178,-4.60472]
!!! Caution !!! You should not use the default value in "". you should check the joint value of your robot, and gotta set it safely.
How to use · Issue #361 · UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver
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