you should aware that, we control UR by using "scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory" node.
so you gotta edit something like below.
in my case, I'm using UR3e, so move to the directory.
so open the "/catkin_ws/src/fmauch_universal_robot/ur3_e_moveit_config/launch/ur3_e_moveit_planning_execution.launch" file and change
<!-- Remap follow_joint_trajectory --> <remap if="$(arg sim)" from="/follow_joint_trajectory" to="arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory"/>
<!-- Remap follow_joint_trajectory --> <remap if="$(arg sim)" from="/follow_joint_trajectory" to="scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory"/>
and open the "/catkin_ws/src/fmauch_universal_robot/ur3_e_moveit_config/config/controllers.yaml"
and change
controller_list: - name: "" action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
controller_list: - name: "scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller" action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
after that,
- power on the robot.
- release brake of the robot.
- run "roslaunch ur_robot_driver [YOUR_ROBOT_MODEL]_bringup.launch robot_ip:=[YOUR_ROBOT_IP]"
- start URcap program "ExternalControl".
- run "roslaunch ur3_e_moveit_config ur3_e_moveit_planning_execution.launch"
- run "roslaunch ur3_e_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true"
then you could see the result below.
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